To have your company considered for an Alternative Vendor license, please -

  • Step 1:  Click here to complete and submit the License Application for United Way Branded Merchandise and Promotional Products
  • Step 2:  Upon receipt of your application, it will enter a review process that may take up to 2-4 weeks.  If you have a pending, time-sensitive first order with a member organization, please note this in the Comment field at the end of the application and we will work to expedite the review.  
  • Step 3:  When the review is complete and you have been approved for a license, you will be sent a DocuSign Licensing Agreement for electronic signature along with a credit card authorization to process your $100.00 registration fee. 
  • Step 4:  After your e-signed contract is submitted, it will be counter-signed at United Way Worldwide and a executed copy returned to you.  Note that the contract will only be considered fully executed after your $100 payment is received. 
  • Step 5:  Once the license is fully executed, you will receive a welcome email that provides additional information, including Branding Guidelines and other resources. If you have any questions, including any of the more common inquiries we get below, contact

       - Trademark localization questions          - Royalty questions          - Brand Guideline questions          - Conflicting imprint guidance          - Digital proof layouts


Please note that neither your inquiry, our request for information, nor your reply to the request for information constitute an offer to contract with United Way Worldwide or a solicitation by United Way Worldwide to offer a contract to your company.